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We offer NVRAM & mods for pinball machines.

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Classic Bally/Stern LED Displays

Brand New LED displays for your Classic Bally/Stern games!

Pinball NVRAM Modules

Never worry again about batteries in your pinball machine! Your settings and high scores are saved without batteries.

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Display Kit Changes Going Forward
Posted on 03/01/2024

We have been selling the UNO & TRADITIONAL Bally LED Display Kits since 2017 and we're happy to say we've received a ton of positive feedback in the 6+ years they've been available! In fact, these kits are very well-loved it seems, and that's a great thing to hear since a lot of time and dedication to "getting it right" was done during the development process. That said, we'll be making some changes to how they're offered.

The first change is that display foam surrounds will no longer be included with the kits. We do realize that's a bit of a bummer, but due to the low sales volume on these products we don't see ordering more foam in at this time (it's bulky and our last order was pre-Pandemic, and we suspect the shipping costs alone these days are quite high). The second change however, is good news -- we've reduced the pricing of the DIY Kits by about $15 or so on most variations to account for the inconvenience & instructions have been updated on how to "roll your own" DIY light blocks that will be more cost-effective if buying multiple kits. That's it for now!

5101 NVRAM Stock
Posted on 09/13/2023

Small amount of a new pcb design 5101 NVRAM are now in-stock.  The new design is just a slightly larger pcb that is easier for us on the assembly side of things.  Since pricing is very much tied to assembly time nowadays, we are able to offer the new design at a bit lower price compared to the compact design we had been offering.  It should also allow us to have better availability on this product going forward.

If there is still demand for the compact design, we will continue to produce it in small batches from time-to-time.  If you're interested in the compact version of the 5101 please let us know.  Once we hear from enough customers we'll assemble another small batch.

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    03/06/2023 - Wait List
    Items that are OOS now have a "Wait List" sign-up, so if you're interested in anything you can now get on the list and we'll notify you once available.

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